Implementation Models differ from each other only in terms of the capabilities that their layers have and the layers that are included in their stacks. The underlying technologies, the craftsmanship, and the quality of care are all identical across all Implementation Models. The differences that do exist, as summarized in the following table, are borne of the differing purposes of each Implementation Model, as detailed above.
The infrastructure we provide includes web hosting, perimeter services, performance optimization solutions, and the various applications that together constitute the Substrate Layer of your project. We craft this layer to maximize the quality of your project, even though it lives separately from your project and creates no dependencies that might lock your project to any provider (including us).
WordPress Core, together with all themes, plugins, and remote services that work together to form the behaviors and capabilities of your project are, collectively, your Application Layer. This layer is crafted to balance efficient interaction between the many components of your project while also allowing them to exist as separate from one another as possible, which in turn allows them to be updated as needed or even replaced or retired.
The key is making your content easier for your user to find, understand, and use, no matter what format it’s in...
Custom fields (metadata) that enrich Custom Post Types (as well as native WordPress post types), meta boxes that enable users to manage metadata content, custom database tables that store these metadata (thereby controlling postmeta bloat), powerful suites of shortcodes for rendering metadata in a wide variety of ways, and the capability to dynamically link these fields to page builder modules, custom templates, and more, are known together as your the project's C3L (Custom Content Control Layer).
Your project's Look and Feel (LAF) may be implemented with Page Builders, themes rich with Theme Hooks for assembling visuals with carefully crafted blocks of server-side and client-side code, custom themes that directly form your LAF or some combination of these. When organized as an independent yet connected Design Layer, this area of your project is safe from accidental or misdirected violations during content development. And content can be developed freely without being unduly affected by your design.
Use native editors made available by WordPress itself as well as custom editorial interfaces that are custom tuned...